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Role Based Access Control

Role-based access control (RBAC) restricts access to resources within Percona Everest. It establishes a framework that defines access permissions and privileges according to individual users’ roles. With RBAC, only authorized individuals can access specific information or perform certain actions based on their assigned roles. This method improves security by minimizing the risk of unauthorized access and helps manage permissions more efficiently across Percona Everest.

How to enable RBAC

To enable or disable RBAC in Percona Everest, you can use a configuration flag that allows switching between RBAC-enabled and RBAC-disabled modes. By default, RBAC is disabled.

The RBAC configuration is stored in a ConfigMap named everest-rbac within the everest-system namespace.

Here’s how you can enable RBAC:

apiVersion: v1
  enabled: "true"
  policy.csv: |
    g, admin, role:admin
kind: ConfigMap
  name: everest-rbac
  namespace: everest-system

Policy definition in RBAC

RBAC policies are the rules and guidelines that define how roles, permissions, and users are managed within RBAC. These policies ensure that users have appropriate access to resources based on their roles within Percona Everest.

The policy definition in Percona Everest is:

p, <subject>, <resource-type>, <action>, <resource-name>


subject: Refers to the name of the role or user. For example, role:admin or admin

resource-type: Refers to the type of Everest resource, such as namespaces, database-clusters, database-engines, etc.

For in-depth information on the actions that a subject can perform, see the resources and permissions section.

action: Refers to the action the subject can perform. For example, read, update, delete, create, or *

resource-name: Refers to a specific instance of the given resource-type. The argument should be prefixed with the namespace in which the resource is present <namespace>/<resource-name>. For example, my-namespace/my-cluster-1, my-namespace-2/my-backup-1, etc. You may also use a wildcard, such as *, */*, or my-namespace/*


If you have permission for specific namespaces or resources, you can perform read, update, create, or delete actions only on those resources or only within those namespaces. However, if you have permission for all the resources or namespaces, you can carry out these actions across all the resources and namespaces.

Read only policy

Check out the policy for a readonly role:

    p, readonly:role, namespaces, read, *
    p, readonly:role, database-engines, read, */*
    p, readonly:role, database-clusters, read, */*
    p, adminrole:role, database-cluster-backups, *, */*
    p, adminrole:role, database-cluster-restores, *, */*
    p, adminrole:role, database-cluster-credentials, read, */*
    p, readonly:role, backup-storages, read, */*
    p, readonly:role, monitoring-instances, read, */*

RBAC resources and permissions

Below is a comprehensive table outlining the permissions granted for various resources:

Permissions for resources


❌ Represents an action that’s not supported by the Percona Everest API.

Table: Permissions for the various resources in Percona Everest

Resource Read Create Update Delete
namespaces You can view namespaces ❌ ❌ ❌
(MySQL, MongoDB, PostreSQL)
You view can database engines when you create databases

Note: This policy must at least be read all so the users can create databases.
❌ Modify database engines ❌
database-clusters You can view databases You can create databases You can modify databases You can delete databases
database-cluster-backups You can view database cluster backups You can create database cluster backups ❌ You can delete database cluster backups
database-cluster-restores You can view database cluster restores You can create database cluster restores You can modify database cluster restores You can delete database cluster restores
backup-storages and monitoring-instances You can view backups and monitroing endpoints You can create backups and monitroing endpoints You can modify backups and monitroing endpoints You can delete backups and monitroing endpoints
database-cluster-credentials View database data (credentials)

Note: If no policy is defined:
* You cannot see the credentials and the connection string.
* You also cannot create a database from any backup.
❌ ❌ ❌

Key considerations for RBAC

Before you start defining the different roles, there are some important things to consider when it comes to Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).

Read namespaces permissions are required for all the roles.

To create, update and delete database clusters, backups, schedules, monitoring instances, and restores it is recommended to explicitly grant read permissions as well for the database clusters. Without these permissions, you would not be able to view these resources, which would not be practical.

To create, update and delete the resources, it is recommended to explicitly grant read permissions for these resources as well. Without these permissions, you would not be able to view these resources, which would not be practical.

Example: To manage backup schedules (create, update, delete a schedule), it is recommended to explicitly grant read permissions for the backup schedules as well as backup storages.

For on-demand backups and schedules, you should grant read permissions for backup storages as well.

For restores, to new and existing databases, you should grant the following permisssions as well:

  • Read backups (of the old DB)
  • Read MonitoringConfig (if the old DB has monitoring enabled)
  • Read database cluster credentials (of the old DB)
  • Create backups (if backup schedules are enabled)

For upgrades, the following permissions must be granted:

  • Read Namespaces
  • Read all database engines in that namespace
  • Read all database clusters in that namespace
  • Update database clusters in that namespace

Roles in RBAC

In Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), a Role is a set of permissions that define what actions (like read, write, update, delete) can be performed on specific resources within Percona Everest. In RBAC, roles are assigned to users, allowing them to interact with the resources according to the permissions defined by their roles.

Default role

In Percona Everest, the only predefined role is adminrole:role, which is assigned to the admin user. Hence, this admin user has unrestricted access to Percona Everest. However, the RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) configuration can define and allocate specific roles based on individual requirements and access privileges.

This default built-in role definition can be seen in policy.csv.

RBAC examples

In this section, we will explore some examples that demonstrate how to create policy definitions for the required roles.


Let’s dive into some role definitions for RBAC:

  1. Admin group role for a single namespace

    Let’s set up an Admin group role definition for just one namespace called the-dark-side.

    p, role:admin-darkside, namespaces, *, the-dark-side
    p, role:admin-darkside, database-engines, *, the-dark-side/*
    p, role:admin-darkside, database-clusters, *, the-dark-side/*
    p, role:admin-darkside, database-cluster-credentials, *, the-dark-side/*
    p, role:admin-darkside, backup-storages, *, the-dark-side/*
    p, role:admin-darkside, monitoring-instances, *, the-dark-side/*
    Let’s dive into decoding this!

    The admin-darkside role has the following privileges only within the-dark-side namespace:

    • namespace: Read access to the the-dark-side .
    • Database engines: Read and update access
    • Database clusters: All access (read, create, update, delete)
    • Database clusters credentials: Read acccess
    • Backup storages: All access (read, create, update, delete)
    • Monitoring instances: All access (read, create, update, delete)
  2. Let’s set up a policy for a readonly role:

    p, readonly:role, namespaces, read, *
    p, readonly:role, database-engines, read, */*
    p, readonly:role, database-clusters, read, */*
    p, adminrole:role, database-cluster-backups, *, */*
    p, adminrole:role, database-cluster-restores, *, */*
    p, adminrole:role, database-cluster-credentials, read, */*
    p, readonly:role, backup-storages, read, */*
    p, readonly:role, monitoring-instances, read, */*
  1. Dev group role with full access to a single database

    Let’s set up a dev group role with full access for just one database called banana within the-dark-side:

    p, role:team-darkside-banana, namespaces, read, the-dark-side
    p, role:team-darkside-banana, database-engines, read, the-dark-side/*
    p, role:team-darkside-banana, database-clusters, read, the-dark-side/banana
    p, role:team-darkside-banana, database-clusters, update, the-dark-side/banana
    p, role:team-darkside-banana, database-clusters-credentials, read, the-dark-side/banana
    p, role:team-darkside-banana, backup-storages, read, the-dark-side/*
    p, role:team-darkside-banana, monitoring-instances, read, the-dark-side/*
    Let’s dive into decoding this!

    The team-darkside-banana role has the following privileges for single database banana' withinthe-dark-side` namespace:

    • namespace: Read access to the the-dark-side .
    • Database engines: Read access to all the database engines
    • Database clusters: Read and update access for only the banana database
    • Database clusters credentials: Read acccess for only the banana database
    • Backup storages: Read access to all the backup storages
    • Monitoring instances: Read access to all the monitoring instances
  2. Dev group role definition with read/update/create access to all the namespaces

    Let’s set up a dev group role with read/update/create access to all the namespaces:

    p, role:team-darkside, namespaces, read, */*
    p, role:team-darkside, database-engines, read, */*
    p, role:team-darkside, database-clusters, read, */*
    p, role:team-darkside, database-clusters, update, */*
    p, role:team-darkside, database-clusters-credentials, read, */*
    p, role:team-darkside, backup-storages, read, */*
    p, role:team-darkside, monitoring-instances, read, */*
    Let’s dive into decoding this!

    The team-darkside role has the following privileges in all the namespaces:

    • namespace: Read access in all the namespaces.
    • Database engines: Read access to all the database engines
    • Database clusters: Read and update access for all the database clusters
    • Database clusters credentials: Read acccess for all the databases
    • Backup storages: Read access to all the backup storages
    • Monitoring instances: Read access to all the monitoring instances

Assigning roles to users

In order for roles to take effect, they need to be assigned to users. The syntax for this is as follows:

g, username, rolename

A new user in Percona Everest will initially have no permissions. To grant permissions, you must edit your RBAC configuration stored in the everest-rbac ConfigMap in the everest-system namespace:

kubectl edit configmap-rbac -n everest-system

A text editor will open, and you can edit the ConfigMap as follows. You just have to add the new user and assign it the desired role.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: everest-rbac
  policy.csv: |
    g, admin, role:admin
    g, <newuser>, role:admin

For example, let’s assign the role team-dev to a new user named john:

p, role:team-dev, namespaces, read, dev
p, role:team-dev, database-engines, read, dev/*
p, role:team-dev, database-clusters, read, dev/*
p, role:team-dev, database-clusters, update, dev/*
p, role:team-dev, database-clusters, create, dev/*
p, role:team-dev, database-clusters, delete, dev/*
p, role:team-dev, database-cluster-credentials, read, dev/*
g, john, role:team-dev

The team-dev role has the following privileges only within the dev namespace:

  • namespace: Read access to dev
  • Database engines: Read access
  • Database clusters: Read access
  • Database clusters: Update access
  • Database clusters: Create access
  • Database clusters: Delete access


  • Database cluster credentials: Read access

Validate your RBAC policy

You can verify whether your Role-based access control (RBAC) policies are functioning correctly by executing the following command:

everestctl settings rbac validate --policy-file


policy-file is an optional flag that takes the policy file path. If you do not specify the path to this file, it will look for the configuration file inside your existing Percona Everest installation, that is, under RBAC ConfigMap.

Policy validation

The following example demonstrates that this is a valid policy.

everestctl settings rbac validate --policy-file ./pkg/rbac/testdata/policy-1-good.csv

✓ Valid

The following example demonstrates that this is an invalid policy.

everestctl settings rbac validate --policy-file ./pkg/rbac/testdata/policy-bad.csv


× Invalid
policy syntax error - unknown resource name 'non-existent-resource'

Test your RBAC policy

You can verify if a role or individual (such as a group or a local user) has the necessary privileges to perform particular operations on designated resources.

We have a straightforward command that can be used to test the RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) policies:

everestctl settings rbac can --policy-file <file_path>


policy-file is an optional flag that takes the policy file path. If you do not specify the path to this file, it will look for the configuration file inside your existing Percona Everest installation, that is, under RBAC ConfigMap.

Test your policy

The following example tests whether a user, Alice, can create database clusters:

everestctl settings rbac can alice create database-clusters '*' --policy-file ./pkg/rbac/testdata/policy-1-bad.csv


The following example tests whether an Admin user can create database clusters:

everestctl settings rbac can admin create database-clusters '*' --policy-file ./pkg/rbac/testdata/policy-1-good.csv



Breaking API changes for RBAC

Starting from Percona Everest v1.2.0, breaking changes are being implemented to the API for monitoring-instances and backup-storagesresources. Explore further by checking out the section on Breaking API changes for a deep dive into this topic.

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